New York DMV and Defensive Driving

Use the contact information below to learn the status of your New York driver license or to contact the DMV for any other reason. The links provided belong to New York governmental agency sites, not privately sponsored websites.

DMV Approved New York Defensive Driving

New York state law allows a driver to attend a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) to receive a mandatory 10% auto insurance reduction. This is a statewide program that is honored by all New York insurers. A driver can only receive the discount by taking a State of New York approved course, such as Driver Training Associates' Point Insurance Reduction Program.

In 2009, the New York DMV approved DTA's Internet Point Insurance Reduction Program. Now New York drivers have a choice as to whether they would like to take this six-hour course in a classroom or on the web.

Both the classroom and online versions of the PIRP course provide the following benefits to eligible drivers:

  • 3-year auto insurance reduction (10%)
  • Reduction of up to 4 points on driving record
  • Auto insurance reduction renewable every three years after initial period has ended

You may sign up with a local licensed DTA delivery agency if you wish to take your PIRP course in a classroom.

Click the REGISTER button below if you wish to sign up for your point insurance reduction course on the Internet.

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Defensive Driving


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